AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-10-19extract skel files into 'parabola-laf' repobill-auger
2019-10-19include multiple per-init cli installersbill-auger
2019-10-19refactor chroot customization scriptbill-auger
2019-10-19finalize package list schemabill-auger
2019-10-19add openrc configbill-auger
2019-10-19adapt for archlinux32 reposbill-auger
2019-10-19update docsbill-auger
2019-10-19add cached packages listbill-auger
2019-10-19add LXDE and mate packages listbill-auger
2019-10-19add filesystem overlay for graphical systemsbill-auger
2019-10-19add rebuild helper and qemu boot scriptsbill-auger
2019-10-19add options to specify iso edition and pacman.confbill-auger
2019-10-19enable offline installbill-auger
2019-10-19allow single-arch buildsbill-auger
2019-10-19add sanity checksbill-auger
2019-10-19add iso edition to filename, boot menu title, and motdbill-auger
2019-10-19rename 'install_dir' var to 'iso_dirname'bill-auger
2019-10-19make double-quoting paths consistentbill-auger
2019-10-19allow in-tree build without parabolaiso packagebill-auger
2019-10-19delete edition-specific configsbill-auger
2019-10-19update docsbill-auger
2019-10-19restore deleted configsbill-auger
2019-10-19Add configs/lxde-openrcDavid P
2019-10-19Added configs/mate-openrcDavid P
2019-10-19Added configs/profile-openrcDavid P
2019-10-19Small ortographical fixDavid P
2019-10-19fixed in-repo buildAndreas Grapentin
2019-10-19fixed package lists in mate isoAndreas Grapentin
2019-10-19fixing splash.png directoriesAndreas Grapentin
2019-10-19updated mate to use existing xf86-video-* packagesAndreas Grapentin
2019-10-19updated .gitignoreAndreas Grapentin
2019-10-19fixed motdAndreas Grapentin
2019-10-19increased efiboot.img sizeAndreas Grapentin
2019-10-19Enable [pcr] by default ->é Fabian Silva Delgado
2019-10-19Update pacman.confAndré Fabian Silva Delgado
2019-10-19Add dmidecode for Mate ISO optional installationAndré Fabian Silva Delgado
2019-10-19Add ttf-dejavu for Mate ISO optional installationAndré Fabian Silva Delgado
2019-10-19Fix English spellingAndré Fabian Silva Delgado
2019-10-19Fix keyboard, volume and Parabola theme in Mate ISOAndré Fabian Silva Delgado
2019-10-19Change choosing options in Mate ISO installerAndré Fabian Silva Delgado
2019-10-19Minor fixAndré Fabian Silva Delgado
2019-10-19Add compressor/archiver apps for Mate ISO optional installationAndré Fabian Silva Delgado
2019-10-19Add grub2-theme-gnuaxiom for Mate ISO optional installationAndré Fabian Silva Delgado
2019-10-19Add lightdm for Mate ISO optional installationAndré Fabian Silva Delgado
2019-10-19Uncomment to allow members of group wheel to execute any commandAndré Fabian Silva Delgado
2019-10-19Minor fixAndré Fabian Silva Delgado
2019-10-19Update Mate config files in skel folderAndré Fabian Silva Delgado
2019-10-19Remove copying files from /mnt/etc/skel to $HOME since it is uselessAndré Fabian Silva Delgado
2019-10-19Add sudo for Mate ISO optional installationAndré Fabian Silva Delgado
2019-10-19Add octopi-cachecleaner, octopi-notifier and octopi-repoeditor to Mate ISOAndré Fabian Silva Delgado